Convention Centre

Please feel free to contact us via any of the details on the left or use the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact Address

A.S Road (N.H.47)
P.B. NO . 2613, Alleppey - 688007
Phone:0477 - 2243752
0477 - 2243753
0477 - 2243754
FAX : 91-477-2243758
Mobile:+91 8589858946
E-mail :               

Payment Bank Details

A/c.Name: Alleppey Prince Hotel
Bank: Central Bank of India
A/C NO: 1234800720
Branch: Mullackal Alappuzha
IFSC: CBIN0280948

Our Facilities

best and quality wine available

Welcome to Alleppey, the Venice of East and to Alleppey Prince Hotel.
A premium business class hotel, Alleppey Prince Hotel unravels a new dimension

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